I was doing my usual splitcoast stampers gallery gazing and ran across this little beauty. Well...if ya know me, you KNOW I just gotta make one...LOL!!! I found one that said there was a tut (tutorial) on their blog so off I go. I landed on
Becky Roberts blog and the rest....is history! I used the
Black Suede cardstock from the
Paper Temptress this time with just a little of the ivory for balance and elegance. I'm tellin' ya!!! This suede stuff is as soft as your favorite soft blanket or your most favoritest (is that a word...lol?)broke in flannel jammies!!! You definitely won't be sorry for purchasing this stuff! Ok....since I'm sure that someone's gonna wanna make one of these, here's a little tutorial...lol!. I will post a pic of the backside so you can see what it looks like. Thanks for checking out my blog ! Have a great day!!
For the body itself, start with a piece of cardstock measuring 10 1/4" x 5 1/4". With your cardstock lying lengthwise, score it at 3 1/2". Then, on the short side, score it at 3", 4 3/4", 7 3/4" and 9 1/2". Turn your cardstock back to lengthwise and cut the left bottom (will be the short score on your far left) box out on the score lines. Fold on score lines and set aside. You will have to gently bend the sides of the backpack to close it.
Next, you'll need to make the pieces you'll use for the flap, pocket and pocket flap. The pocket itself is 3" x 2". Score this at 1/4" and 1/2" on the sides and bottom. Cut the little boxes at the bottom on the left and right sides following the score lines so it looks like a T. The pocket flap is 1 1/2" x 2". Score this piece at 1/4" and 1/2" on ONE lengthwise side only. The backpack flap is 2 15/16" x 2 1/2". Score this piece also on ONE lengthwise side only. Fold everything on the score lines and set aside.
For the ribbon slots you'll need to use your 1/8" punch. Punch 2 holes side by side and the section that will be the backside of the backpack (if looking at it lengthwise with the missing corner to your left, this will be the far right section) about 1/2" down from the top. You will also have to punch 2 holes on the bottom of that same piece (NOT the flap part) about 1/2" from both the bottom and sides. I did not tie knots in my ribbon on the inside. I used mini glue dots to hold them in place.
After that, assemble the pieces and Viola! You have your backpack.
Supplies Used:
CS: PT Black and Ivory Suede
Ribbon: 1/4" Ivory and black narrow organdy ribbon
Acc: SU! Scallop edge punch, 1/8" Scor Tape
PS: Don't forget...this is ON SALE this month!!!!!